Monday, January 4, 2010

Service Day!!

On, December 9th, we celebrated our first GJA Service Day! It was a ton of fun!! The entire school conducted a service projects. Some projects include working with elderly, nutrition awareness campaign and taking care of animals. The 4th and 5th graders worked with YSOP, Youth Service Opportunities Project to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the homeless and hungry. Here are a few pictures from the day:

Here we are putting the sandwiches away in the bags

Checking the bags to make sure they have at least 2 sandwiches

All the bags decorated with special messages

What a fun day!!


  1. I liked the part where we made the sandwiches.

  2. IT was fun even though I was coloring bags.

  3. It felt good feeding the hungry and giving back to my community.

  4. I remembered my friends and I helping out with all the things on service day. I felt good helping out the hungry.
    -Hunter James

  5. L.O.L Christ and Darion look funny.-Francisco

  6. knowing this will be first time ever giving back to the community if felt very good. i felt in peace with myself now lol.

  7. This was a fun time. We helped the community. - Brandon

  8. service day sounded fun but never break your body on one of those days=(

    -Z Ruffin
