Friday, January 1, 2010

Cultural Backgrounds

So far we are a few weeks into our 2nd quarter of the school year. The 2nd quarter will end January 15, 2010. This quarter, we started off with cultural presentations to learn more about our families and our individual cultural backgrounds. Check out what we've learned:

Patrick:I am from Australia. This is the Australian flag. The 5 stars on the right are the Southern Cross. The Southern Cross is a constellation in Australia. I don't know why the British flag is in the corner, but if it wasn't there the flag would be pretty empty. I don't know why there is a star under under the British flag.

Christopher: I am Puerto Rican and Panamanian. I talked about my culture and facts on both countries.

My name is Vijay Ramkissoon. I am from Guyana. Guyana is a small country in South America. I am holding a Guyana flag. Each color represents a different important part of Guyana. I am also holding a Guyana dollar bill. It is one hundred dollars. It is not worth much in the United States.

Hunter: My name is Hunter James. I am holding up a flag that represents my country Guyana.

Herzen: I am a Hatian boy. My mom is from Port Au Prince.  My dad is from Les Cayes . I brought this flag in to represent Haiti and to also show where I am from.

John: Hi, my name is John Riggio. My cultural backgrounds are Puerto Rico, Italy, and Ireland. Today I talked about Puerto Rico. I am 25% Italian, 50% Irish, and 25% Puerto Rican. I told interesting facts and details about Puerto Rico.

I have a toy lion and it is controled by people in real life.

Grant: I bought in a book about slavery and a book about Native Americans. My great great great grandparents were Native Americans and lived on a Native American reserve. I also bought in a book about American Heros since my family is all American. I also told about Guyana because that is where my dad is from. It was really fun.

I am from Nigeria. My mom and dad are both from Nigeria. The population of Nigeria is about 200,000 million people. I also brought  in Nigerian  money. It  was  worth  10 American  dollars.

Francisco: I am Puerto Rican and I bought in a flag that I made. I used paper,a red crayon,a blue crayon,and a white crayon. I like Puerto Rico a lot because it is hot every day. 

 Luigi: Hello I am from Haiti. Haiti shares an island with the Dominican Republic.I am holding a map of Haiti. I am also holding Haitain money

Darion:  My family is from Seaboard, North Carolina. For my presentation I talked about the famous people in North Carolina, what they eat , and how North Carolina was discovered. My favorite Jazz player in North Carolina was John.


  1. I learned a lot about my friends history and traditions by listening to them talk and bring things from their cultures/ countries.

  2. it is nice to see where all of my friends come from!!! -Raymond
