Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Black History Clip

Greensboro 4 clip
Scroll down to the end of the page to view the clip. This clip was about four young men who stood up for black rights.

These four men walked in as paying customers and sat down at the counter, knowing the consequences. It was illegal because in the past blacks were not allowed to sit at counters. The manager shut down the restaurant and an old white lady walked up to them and said I'm disappointed that it took you so long to do what you're doing. Then they told the manager that they will be back. Then they left.

 These four men are sitting at the counter knowing the consequences for standing up for black rights.

Ms. Hibbert went to visit the Smithsonian Museum when she was in DC. On display, is a replica of the actual lunch counter. Here are some pictures from her visit:

                                                              Lunch counter on display

Post written by Patrick McGuire and Darion Harris


  1. The clip was cool. It was inspiring to watch those brave men stand up for there rights. I'm surprised the old lady aid what she did.-Patrick McGuire
