Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jack Pitts & Marques Johnson Presentation

On Thursday, March 11th, Mr. Jack Pitts and Mr. Marques Johnson are two corporate lawyers visited our classroom. They are lawyers that help companies buy other companies. Both had dreams of playing professional sports.  Mr. Johnson wanted to be in the NBA and Mr.  Pitts wanted to be in the NFL but instead they went to law school, and pursued another dream to become lawyers. They spoke about great life lessons. We learned life that is a great dream and a lot of things can happen through out your life. They told us to not put our minds on just one thing and to expand your mind to do different things.

Here is Mr.Pitts and Mr.Johnson telling us about their lives and telling us information that will help us with our lives.

Here is another picture Mr. Pitts and Mr. Johnson about to give us a presentation about what they do as lawyers.

Here are the fifth graders listening and absorbing the great advice being given.

Here is a picture of the fifth graders listening and asking the lawyers questions about their jobs.

This post was written by Herzen Clerge and Ahamefula Ireaja

Joseph Edmonson Presents

On March 4, 2010 Mr. Edmondson came to present to our class. Mr. Edmondson is a financial advisor. He works with his clients to help manage their money for the future and determine what they want to do financially. He used to be an accountant for PricewaterhouseCoopers, a top accounting firm. He doesn't want us to be bad financially.When he was a child, he wasn't doing well. When he grew up, he wanted to help his mom and his family. His current company is  AXA Advisors. Find out more about him and what he does at this link: Joseph Edmondson's website

This is Joseph Edmondson and he is explaining to us about his life and job.He was the first in his family to finish college


Posted by Herzen Clerge and Francisco Rodriguez

Brooklyn Museum

On Saturday, February 13th, Ms. Hibbert and six of her students went to the Brooklyn Museum.


 We had an amazing time. The students names were Vijay, Aham, Lucas, Hunter, Grant and Malik. The first place that we went was the show by Impact. The group impact presented a show on Black History. Impact is a group of primarily young people. They try to be leaders in their community, by using performing arts to inspire people. We also saw replicas of houses, paintings, and sculptures. The houses had huge dining rooms with old fashioned tables and clocks. The bedrooms had huge, old fashioned beds. The living rooms had old sofas and lamps. Next to each replica, there was a short paragraph explaining the meaning of each house.  The Brooklyn  Museum was amazing.

Post written by Vijay Ramkissoon and Hunter James

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Black History Clip

Greensboro 4 clip
Scroll down to the end of the page to view the clip. This clip was about four young men who stood up for black rights.

These four men walked in as paying customers and sat down at the counter, knowing the consequences. It was illegal because in the past blacks were not allowed to sit at counters. The manager shut down the restaurant and an old white lady walked up to them and said I'm disappointed that it took you so long to do what you're doing. Then they told the manager that they will be back. Then they left.

 These four men are sitting at the counter knowing the consequences for standing up for black rights.

Ms. Hibbert went to visit the Smithsonian Museum when she was in DC. On display, is a replica of the actual lunch counter. Here are some pictures from her visit:

                                                              Lunch counter on display

Post written by Patrick McGuire and Darion Harris